Alcohol and other drug (AOD) services in Western Australia
This eLearning program aims to provide human services with a comprehensive understanding of alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment and support options in Western Australia.
It will first explore available AOD treatment and support options and an overview of the Western Australian AOD sector will be provided. Specialist AOD service providers from the Perth metropolitan region will share valuable insights into their respective services through video presentations, highlighting the support they offer and the referral process.
While the program provides overviews of AOD services in Western Australia, it focuses on metropolitan services and does not include all available services.
Introduction to Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD)
This online learning package is designed to provide introductory knowledge about alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and is aimed at professionals new to the AOD sector and other professional staff working to prevent AOD-related harms.
Course competition takes around 2-3 hours and consists of 3 modules:
- Module One: Drug use in perspective
- Module Two: Concepts, terminology, models and theories of AOD; and
- Module Three: Psychoactive classifications, methods of use and effects
Alcohol and Other Drug Withdrawal
Introduction to Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD): Part Two, Module One
This online learning package is designed to provide introductory knowledge about alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and is aimed at professionals new to the AOD sector and other professional staff working to prevent AOD-related harm.
The aim of this module is to gain an understanding of the mechanisms and experience of alcohol and other drug withdrawal.
Western Australia Take Home Naloxone Training
This online training will aim to equip staff from organisations participating in the Commonwealth Take Home Naloxone Program with the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to an opioid overdose by administering naloxone and conduct a brief education session for the supply of naloxone to people at risk of experiencing and / or witnessing an opioid overdose, while following the program rules.
Opioid Overdose and the Use of Naloxone
This eLearning course has been developed for pharmacists, health and human service providers to develop their awareness and knowledge of opioid overdose, prevention and management, including the use of naloxone.
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Online
Welcome to the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Online program. This self directed learning package has been designed to:
- Provide an overview of the theory relevant to prevention
- Provide an overview of alcohol use in Australia
- Provide an overview of how the alcohol industry increases sales
- Provide an overview of social marketing strategies
- Develop your understanding of community-based prevention
CPOP Conference 2024
The 2024 CPOP Conference offered participating service providers the opportunity to hear news and matters of interest from the field.
Conference video recordings have been made publicly available with the express approval of all presenters.
CPOP Pharmacist Training
Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP) Pharmacist Training is provided by the Community Pharmacotherapy Program for WA pharmacists dispensing methadone and buprenorphine within an established support program for the treatment of opioid dependence. The WA Medicines and Poisons Regulations require all pharmacists dispensing or administering CPOP treatment are appropriately trained in providing this service. This course is designed to meet the training requirements prescribed by the Regulations and should be completed by all WA Pharmacists providing methadone and buprenorphine to CPOP clients.
CPOP Buprenorphine Prescriber Training
CPOP Buprenorphine Prescriber Training is provided by the Community Pharmacotherapy Program for WA medical and nurse practitioners to prescribe buprenorphine within an established support program for the treatment of opioid dependence under the Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP). Upon successful completion of this online training module a WA medical or nurse practitioner will gain authority to prescribe buprenorphine products (Subutex, Suboxone, Buvidal and Sublocade) to suitable patients in WA. Authorisation as a buprenorphine prescriber under CPOP is issued by the WA Department of Health. Prescribers operate within WA CPOP Policies and Procedures with support through the Community Pharmacotherapy Program.
CPOP Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
This section contains the current policy and procedure documentation for the Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy
Sublingual Buprenorphine Resources
These resources demonstrate the administration and regulatory requirements for approved sublingual buprenorphine formulations. See below for: links to the Australian Product Information and Consumer Medicine Information for comprehensive prescribing and administration requirements.
In Western Australia sublingual buprenorphine is dispensed through authorised pharmacies under the direction of a medical practitioner approved by WA Department of Health to prescribe as part of the Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP). Refer to the WA CPOP Policies, Procedures and Guidelines for comprehensive prescribing and dispensing requirements.
For further clinical information on CPOP contact CPOP Advice and Support (CAS) on 9442 5042.
Depot Buprenorphine Resources
These videos and resources demonstrate how to administer the two different CPOP approved depot buprenorphine products and provide links to the Australian Product Information and Consumer Medicine Information.
In Western Australia depot buprenorphine can only be administered by an authorised health professional (i.e. medical practitioner, pharmacist or nurse) under the direction of a health professional (i.e. medical practitioner or nurse practitioner) who has approval from the WA Department of Health to prescribe depot buprenorphine products through the Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP).
For further information on the appropriate administration of depot buprenorphine contact CPOP Advice and Support (CAS) on 9442 5042.
CPOP Co-Prescriber Training
Needle and Syringe Program Orientation and Training Package for Pharmacies
The Needle and Syringe Program Orientation and Training Package for Pharmacies aims to enhance the knowledge, confidence, and skills of pharmacy workers to deliver needle and syringe program services to customers.
Needle and Syringe Program Orientation and Training
A training resource for needle and syringe program workers in Western Australia who deliver NSP services to people who inject drugs.
Alcohol Brief Intervention Training Package
The online Alcohol Brief Intervention training package has been developed by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia. The package describes brief intervention and provides a rationale for conducting BI for alcohol use. An overview of how to conduct a BI using a motivational intervention is also provided. This training will suit anyone working in Human Services who has capacity to screen for risky alcohol use and outlines theory and practice to support workers to implement BI either routinely or opportunistically.
The development of this portal is supported by and undertaken within the School of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide.
The University of Adelaide has been funded by the Federal Department of Health to scale up screening and intervention for substance use disorders in primary healthcare using the ASSIST.
The portal is for health and welfare professionals to develop knowledge and skills on how to assess and intervene while the ASSISTplus site is to enable self-assessment by people who consume substances.